Saturday, April 22, 2023

Three 14 y.o middle school students used Philopon

 Three middle school students were caught by the police after taking Philopon they purchased from an internet messenger, Telegram.

On the 21st, Seoul Dongdaemun Police Station revealed that they have booked two male classmates of student A (14) on charges of violating the narcotics control law and are currently investigating the case. 

On the 6th of last month, student A took the Philopon she purchased from Telegram and was reported to the police by her mother. The police confirmed that A had taken 0.05g of Philopon with male students. 

The police have decided to not arrest them, considering that they are first-time offenders and that recovery treatment should be prioritized.


-We're screwed...

-Middle school students...?? Philopon...???

-I can't imagine how her mother must've felt as she reported her own daughter to the policeㅠㅠㅠ

-It doesn't make sense that 'middle school students' and 'Philopon' are used in one sentence. I thought it was a typo and the reporter meant to write 'Xylophone'. One girl and two boys taking Philopon together... She could've gotten in huge trouble, oh Gosh...

-I saw that girl being interviewed on the news earlier. She admitted that she took them out of curiosity. I can't believe students can purchase drugs that easily. We're in a big problem.

-That is crazyㅠㅠ Those babies don't even know how dangerous drugs are, oh Goshㅠㅠ

-How did our country become the place where middle school students can buy drugs that easily?

-Our country is f*cked up. Considering how young kids who know nothing can purchase drugs so easily.

-That is crazy... Why did the world become such a terrifying place...

-Oh Gosh... This is shocking...

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