Saturday, April 22, 2023

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SNSD's Sooyoung ran to the house of her teammate who couldn't be contacted after telling her that she felt gloomy


I've barged into Tiffany's house while she was sleeping more than twice.

What happened?

She couldn't be contacted after she texted me saying, 'I feel gloomy'

The members never heard about it

It never happened again since that

So you barged in because you were worried, but...?

I put in the password and went in... She was sleeping like this.
Oh Gosh, should I kill her or save her?

But the thing is... Something had happened to her that day~

I'm not saying that Tiffany is often like that, it's just on the days when something happens to her!
I'm sure we've all had those days...

I've barged into Hyoyeon's house as well!

In charge of barging into houses(?) in SNSD

How do you know all of our passwords?

She memorizes all of our passwords!

One day, Hyoyeon couldn't be reached

What surprised me is that her door was locked...

Her room's door?
Yes, her room's door!

(Again) Should I kill her or save her?

Turns out she was in the shower...

(Along the scent of her shampoo) What is going on?~

The scent of her shampoo says it all

(Gets dizzy just by thinking about it again)

Something had happened to Hyoyeon too that day...

That means she's a friend you can rely on

She's truly a delicate and warm-hearted person

-It must be reliable to have a friend like that. I want to become a friend like Sooyoung. 

-It's a blessing to have a friend who cares and worries about you like that.

-Just knowing that there's someone who will come over running if anything happens to you gives great comfort...

-Sooyoung is such a good friend...

-They share their passwords, which means they're relying on each otherㅠㅠ

-She's such a good friend. It's amazing how they share their passwords. I'm jealous to see how much they trust each other and get along really well...

-People like Sooyoung are not easy to find. She's such a reliable friend.

-The fact that she knows something was off shows that their friendship is real...

-Sooyoung is a really good friend. I wish I could be friends with her.

-I can't imagine how Sooyoung must've felt as she was on the way to Tiffany and Hyoyeon's houses. You're such a good friend, Sooyoung.

-Why am I tearing up?ㅠㅠ 

-They can talk about it while laughing because it's a variety show and it happened in the past. I can't imagine how nervous she must've been at the time...ㅠㅠㅠ I'm really jealous of their friendship

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