Friday, November 4, 2022

A headroom teacher was sexually harassed by a 6th grader


I was sexually harassed by a 6th grader. I'm a woman and the student is a boy.
How should I handle this?
I called the student and he said he was texting with his friend and sent the text to me on mistake.


I have read all of your comments. It's only been 2 months since I was appointed as his headroom teacher, I had no idea what to do so I posted it here. Thank you so much for all the advice and support, it helped me so much.
First of all, I have talked about this with the school principals. I'm not letting this slide easily. Thanks for all the support. 

'I sent my answer already'
'Oh Gosh, that was tough. Teacher, can I put my d*ck inside your v*g*n*?

-Elementary school students these days are different...

-Let's just kill him~ He has the potential to become a sexual offender in the future

-This is really frustrating

-I don't think she should let this slide just like that. Kids like him should be beaten up.

-I wonder how did his parents raise him...

-I think the teacher should show that text to his parents and his friends

-She should make that kid read that text out loud in front of his parents

-Even if he meant to send it to his friends, that still doesn't make that right.

-This is really sickening

-I can totally see what kind of person he'll grow up into

-It's shocking to see that an elementary school student talks like that. That's not a mistake.

-Beat his f*cking ass up

-6th grader...? Crazy...

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