Sunday, September 25, 2022

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Hyeri visits Ryu Junyeol at the filming set


'Hyerin's boyfriend helped to take this picture'

Ryu Junyeol's birthday is on September 25th
Hyeri visits him at the filming set along with the coffee truck
I think she visits him today because he's planned to hold a birthday fanmeeting tomorrow
The 'Junyeolss No. 1 Fan' written there is Hyeri

-Whoa... They've been dating for a really long time...

-Happy birthday, Ryu Junyeol...

-I'm going to his birthday fanmeeting tomorrowㅋㅋㅋ It seems like they're in a really great relationship, it's nice to know that...

-They're such a beautiful couple. It's such a great sight to see. Anyway, happy birthday!

-They make a cute couple. Hyeri is such a simp.

-Hul... It seems like they're in a great relationship. It's great to know, especially I really like the two of them.

-I really want to see a picture of them in one frame before I dieㅠㅠ

-What does that have to do with the fanmeeting? It's not like he's dating the fans, thoughㅋㅋㅋ

-They make such a beautiful couple. It somehow makes me feel really emotional. Anyway, happy birthday in advance!!ㅋㅋ

-I knew their relationship would last this long ever since I first heard about itㅋㅋㅋ They suit each other really well...

-Hul... Why did I think they have broken up?? I think I've seen an articles a few years ago saying that they broke up...? Or am I wrong?ㄷㄷㄷ Anyway, they've been dating for a really long time...

-Seeing them together somehow just warms my heart...

-This is why I can watch Reply 1988 comfortably...^^ I know, I sometimes get way too immersed in a drama...

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