
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Isn't Rosé driving you out of your mind?

Rosé in real life... Look at the length of her legs...

I don't think a lot of people notice how tall Rosé actually isㅠㅠ
Because Jennie and Jisoo always wear shoes with big platforms to match her height, look at their shoes...

Here too...ㅠㅠ 
I don't mean to hate the other girls, I just want people to notice how proportional Rosé's body isㅎㅎ

Look at our Chaeng's body line, is she even real...

She's not just skinny. I think she has a beautiful body. Totally my body goals...

I posted this picture to show you how great her fashion sense is, she looks like a princess...
She suits one-piece dresses. And if you look at her airport outfits, you'll notice that her fashion sense is one of a kind...

Look at her waistㅠㅠ She seems to wear crop-tees really often!
If I wear them, my belly fat is protruding out...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)

This was from Coachella last year. Don't you think she looks like the main character of Western teen series?!?!?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

She's so pretty, I don't think I need to explain anymore...


1. [+51][-6] If I ever get to reborn, I want to be born again with slim and slender body like Rosé'sㅠㅠ I think she would still look absolutely stunning even in Ghillie suit, I'm really jealous of her

2. [+31][-0] Rosé is really thin. People tend to look chubbier in press-pictures, but not Rosé. I read in Namuwiki that she lost weight during Black Pink's world tour. She weighs 44kg at 168cm tall now.

3. [+25][-2] She's really gorgeous and I'm jealous of her...

4. [+10][-0] This is the picture I use as my phone wallpaper. It motivates me to go on diet. I think Rosé looks good in both trendy-street style and flowy...? girly style.

5. [+9][-2] Chaeng<3

6. [+7][-0] I think in overall, she's thin and she has small bones. You can't get that type of body line just by losing weight or going on dietㅠㅠ I notice this since Rosé loves to eat and she eats a lot...