
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Seventeen's Vernon is seriously unbelievable

His concept photo was just released... And I'm at loss for wordsㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He really does look like the main character in Netflix series...


1. [+73][-0] Someone made this edit and it suits him very well...

2. [+52][-0] He's so fucking handsome...

3. [+30][-1] That yellow hint in this picture pisses me offㅠㅠ Can't they tune the yellow down a little bit?

4. [+15][-0] Vernon is my bias... He looks so freaking beautiful in this gif...

5. [+14][-0] This gif of him makes me feel like I just traveled to Hollywood

6. [+14][-0] This picture is legendary...
