
Sunday, June 14, 2020

The male idol who's actually very genuine, the opposite of his first impression

(He looks kinda... punk? When his hair was red)

When you first see him, you probably think that he looks like a gangster...
But once you get to know him

He was a soccer athlete for 11 years
When he was in middle school, after his school ends at 5, he would run 8km for 30 minutes as a warm-up. Then, he would continue his soccer practice routine.
And he lived like that for 3 years...ㄷㄷㄷ Did he ever get to rest...?

He decided to become a singer after attending DBSK's concert in Saitama Super Arena
Then, he passed the audition he participated in Tokyo and he put post-its with Korean writings on his room before he went to Korea (This shows Yuta's skill in Korean)

His fellow trainees chose him as the most genuine trainee
(I think Mark would be chosen as the most genuine one too along with Yuta, if the vote took place after Mark joined SM Ent.

His teammates chose him as the most diligent member
When the boys only had 2 hours to rest, Yuta diligently divided his time. He slept for an hour and use the rest of his time to prepare to go out. 

The only pre-debut stories you'll hear about is how he was so popular because of his cuteness
(I'm sure he was really popular. It would be weird to not be popular when he looks that beautiful

He is a hard-worker
You can see it from how he went from a guy who watched a concert in Saitama Super Arena, to the guy who performed in Saitama Super Arena. 

He may look mischievous, but he's actually a very diligent person
He's also very witty, you'll notice it from the way he talks


1. [+18][-0] Mountain guy...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (NB: 상남자/Sang Namja --> Tough guy; 산남자/San Namja --> Mountain guy)

2. [+15][-1] He speaks Korean fluentlyㅠㅠ Yuta is seriously so cool...

3. [+14][-0] Na Yuta is actually a very funny guy, which is the opposite from his cold looksㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+6][-3] Isn't he a Japanese??

5. [+5][-0] Isn't he that guy from Abnormal Summit...??

6. [+5][-0] Yuta is such a happy virusㅠㅠ I have to admit that his Korean is really good...

7. [+4][-2] Yuta is a really nice and funny guy. He also cries a lotㅜㅜ

8. [+4][-1] He's beautiful and handsome both at the same time...


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