Saturday, June 6, 2020

A men keeps on harassing me on Instagram, please help me

I'm in my 2nd year of high school, and I have never posted any racy pictures on my account.
But this man keeps on sending me DMs.
I would block him and he always has his ways to find me again, I don't know how he does that. 
I'm really scared, this is driving me insane. I don't know what to do. 
He's the same age with my private lesson teacher. What kind of a sane man would to this?ㅠㅠ
Please help me. I always block him but he always finds me again, f*ck.
This is some of the messages he sent me, he sends tons of messages like this.
Awhile ago, he kind of types in different matter (more formal), like:
'Why do you keep pushing me away?'
'I'm doing this because you're beautiful'
Like that... F*ckㅠㅠㅠ What should I do?

'And also, I'm a legal adult'
'I'm sure it must be really unfamiliar to you to receive attention and love from a man, since you go to an all-girls school'
'I heard you didn't feel well today, I'm really worried about you. I'm sure you probably think I'm being nosy, especially since you don't know me'
'Seems like you also get messages from other men'
'I just want to be a good man you can rely on. The one you go to when you're having a bad day and need to complain, I would be there to listen you and comfort you'

'I'm a man who amazed by you'
'That's all'
'But why do you keep acting like you hate me? All I do was giving you attention and love'


1. [+305][-9] This post reminds me of this picture. He acts like that just because he wants to be 'loved' by a minor.
The victims are 98.9% women, with an average age of 15.4 years old, most of them are students
The assailants are 100% men, with an average age of 35.3 years old, most of them work in offices

2. [+295][-14] Just call him out on your Instagram account

3. [+238][-26] There's no acceptable way to face men like that, they just won't listen to you. Just ignore them, don't even let read their messages. 

4. [+192][-0] There's a comment saying about calling him out, but I think that's really dangerous. Judging from the messages he sent to OP, it seems like he knows the school OP goes to. I'm afraid if the OP calls him out, it encourages him to do even more dangerous things to OP. I think it's better for OP to just ignore him and block his account. 

5. [+179][-0] Judging from the way he feels like OP feels overwhelmed about receiving attention from men since she goes to an all-girls school, it seems like this man has a kink or fantasy about it. How about posting a picture with a male friend of yours, or maybe your brother? It would make him feel bertrayed and maybe even leave you alone eventually. 

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