Sunday, May 19, 2024

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New Jeans submit petition to the court, HYBE continues to support New Jeans nevertheless


Amid ongoing disputes between HYBE and Min Heejin, New Jeans' members reportedly have submitted petitions to the court. However, HYBE plans to continue supporting New Jeans' activities. 

The specific contents of the petitions have not been disclosed yet, but it is viewed as New Jeans' support for CEO Min Heejin. Nevertheless, HYBE maintains its position to support New Jeans' comeback activities without interruption.


-Doing nothing is actually helping, you dirty bastards.

-If HYBE really mean it, they should just leave New Jeans and Min Heejin alone.

-Supporting New Jeans? Let's start from the most recent events, shall we? Why did HYBE leak the Kakao Talk messages that are meaningless, knowing that New Jeans' members will get hurt if they read it? Is that what they call support? Just let New Jeans go, damn it.

-Stop joking around.

-Stop with the bullshit and let New Jeans go, you bastards.

-HYBE is disgusting.

-HYBE doesn't even bother to promote New Jeans' comeback, though?

-I burst into laughter just by reading the title.

-This whole propaganda is hilarious.

-"Active support" = We won't do anything and won't even greet you like we've been doing until now.

-It's not even funny, it's disgusting now.

-Just go bankrupt, HYBE. Damn it.

-Seriously, what a bunch of nonsense.

-"Active support" -> Let's increase profits so we can eat more.

-HYBE, what a load of crap.

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