Sunday, May 19, 2024


CEO Min Heejin: "I've repaid over 10 times the amount they invested in New Jeans, and yet they call me a traitr

For those who have no money, getting investment because of your talent is also a skill. It's not a sin to be able to work because of other people's investments. I have repaid more than ten times the amount of what they invested in me in a very short time. I also have provided value that can't be measured by money. Therefore, I don't understand why I'm being framed as a traitor and an egoist just because I started with their investment. Where has the value I have given to HYBE disappeared to? I thought you brought me on board because you wanted that value?

If I had just gone along, I would have received a lot of money when my term ended. However, I took the risk and proceeded with internal whistleblowing because there are important values I want to protect. 

Would a person whose main goal is money go through the trouble of whistleblowing and fighting? And then attempt a legally impossible method that needs approval from HYBE? It doesn't make sense.


-My thoughts exactly. 

-Not only that, Min Heejin also brought K-pop back to life when it was going down fall. 

-If she returned more than she was expected to, that should be enough. Why do HYBE act like they did her a huge favor??

-More than 10 times?? She must be talking about the sales, then. She can't say that she have repaid the amount HYBE invested in her with the sales. 

-Who's actually committing the breach of trust here?

-They invested in her, not sponsored her. I don't understand why HYBE is boasting so much. They have already taken all the profits she made, so how is she a traitor?

-Repaying the investment and making 10 times the amount of they invested in her are very different things. I'm not trying to downplay her, but her claim of repaying more than 10 times of the investment could be misleading. 

-Saying 'Repaid more than ten times the investment' in an official statement is the problem. Who uses sales figures to claim they've repaid an investment?

-You want data? Here it is. For 2022 there's no net profit, so let's skip that. As of December 31, 2023: Capital = 16.1 B KRW, Sales = 110.28 B KRW, Net Profit = 26.5 B KRW. Min Heejin's statement about repaying 10 times the investment seems to refer to sales. Claiming to have repaid the investment with sales figures is nonsesne.

-Please explain why it's wrong to claim the sales figures as the repayment of the investment.

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