Sunday, May 19, 2024

New Jeans' members' parents hire specialized lawyers for 'Celebrity Exclusive Contract Dispute'

by Journalist Choi Jooseong

According to the music industry on the 19th, the parents of New Jeans' members have appointed lawyer Kang Jinseok, who specializes in entertainment law, back on the 14th, ahead of the hearing of the injunction filed by Min Heejin. 

Lawyer Kang has handled numerous cases related to disputes over exclusive contracts. In his blog, he mentioned his past experiences in reviewing exclusive contracts, terminating contracts, providing legal advice for breach of exclusive contracts, and more. 

The parents of New Jeans' members have submitted a petition to the court through Lawyer Kang. It is reported that the content of the petition expresses their desire to work together with CEO Min Heejin. 

Previously, the parents of New Jeans' members also sent an email to HYBE, protesting the similarity between the concepts of New Jeans and ILLIT. 

On the other hand, CEO Min Heejin has appointed the Law Firm Sejong to handle dispute with HYBE. 

Separately, some speculate that New Jeans' parents decision to hire an entertainment law specialist indicates the possibility of New Jeans' members ending their exclusive contract with HYBE. 

Meanwhile, HYBE's shareholders' meeting to replace ADOR's higher-ups, including Min Heejin, is scheduled for the 31st. The court's decision on the injunction filed by Min Heejin is expected to be revealed before the shareholders' meeting.


-Fighting, New Jeans. I hope they can safely part ways with HYBE. It's better for the girls to leave with the director who directed them to success, rather than staying with a company that planned to create copycat groups and put them on a 1.5-year leave.

-Stay strong, ADOR, New Jeans, and Min Heejin

-I will support New Jeans even if they choose to leave HYBE. 

-I'm rooting for New Jeans...

-HYBE's plan to put a 1 y.o rookie group on a 1.5-year leave is enough to sue them for breach of responsibility.

-The petition expresses their desire to work with CEO Min Heejin, not to leave HYBE. How is this anything like Fifty Fifity's case?

-I hope New Jeans can safely part ways with HYBE.

-HYBE doesn't like New Jeans anyway, so wouldn't it better for the girls to leave?? Instead of supporting the group's activities, HYBE completely ignores and disrespect them. It's enough reasons to argue about.

-No parents in this world would just stay quiet if their child gets mistreated. I support them.

-New Jeans should just leave HYBEㅠㅠ

-I'm rooting for New Jeans. I hope HYBE goes down completely.

-As a parent, would you want to let your underage daughter stay in the company where the chairman doesn't even want to greet them?ㅋㅋㅋ Don't forget that this company planned to put New Jeans on a 1.5-year leave.

-Stay strong, New Jeans. I mean... Who would want to stay in a company that plans to put them in a 1.5-year leave?

-If I were their parents, I would do the same.

-I think they only hired the lawyer to submit the petition...

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