Sunday, May 19, 2024

Which Ji Changwook's drama did you enjoy the most?


Smile Again


Empress Ki

Lovestruck in the City

Warrior Baek Dongsoo

Suspicious Partner

If You Wish Upon Me
Backstreet Rookie

The K2

The Sound of Magic

Welcome to Samdal-ri

Melting Me Softly

Five Fingers

The Worst of Evil

-Suspicious Partner

-Suspicious Partner, Lovestruck in the City, Backstreet Rookie

-If I had to pick one, Healer ㅠ

-Empress Ki and Backstreet Rookie

-Empress Ki, Suspicious Partner

-Suspicious Partner, it was the first drama that made me feel Ji Changwook's charm ㅠㅠ

-Backstreet Rookie was fun too

-Healer, Lovestruck in the City

-Wow, haven't watched any of them

-Suspicious Partner, Backstreet Rookie

-I've only watched one of these dramas...

-I've only watched Lovestruck in the City

-Apart from Empress Ki, haven't watched any of these dramas...

-Welcome to Samdal-ri, Lovestruck in the City, The Worst of Evil

-Lovestruck in the City, Welcome to Samdal-ri

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