@leeetttttmmm: Wow, do you seriously think you earn money with just your abilities? I don't have to much to say because I still consider the feelings of Super Junior's fansㅋㅋㅋ Ryeowook-ah, snap out of it. You're not at the level to earn money with just your abilities. Get a grip.
Ryeowook's reply: Who are you? Why are you talking about my level? I have never lost my senses. Please stop leaving malicious comments. I can see them all.
Quoted tweet (Haiqi Qin): Ryeowook-ah... Let's go on a diet. Can't you even manage your body now that you're in a relationship? Then why earn money from fans... Just quit and run a café with your girlfriend. As a fan of over 10 years, you're really pathetic.
Ryeowook's reply: So I'm pathetic? To me, you're just as pathetic. Scary to think that you've liked me for 10 years. Perhaps during those 10 years, you didn't like me, but you liked the idea of yourself liking someone else. I sincerely hope you'll see yourself clearly. And I didn't earn money because of you, but because of my hard work. It's the result of countless hours of effort and path. Don't speak recklessly.

I feel like I shouldn't even have to explain myself, but to think that there are people out there who freely assume and judge, thinking that I don't even value my own fans. When I said, 'I didn't earn money because of you, but because of my hard work', why do people automatically assume 'you' = 'fans'? Then say things like, 'You earn money because of your fans, but then act like you earned it all yourself,' 'If I were your fans, I'd be hurt,' etc. Those who curse and insult me think they can do whatever they want because they're the ones who spent money on myself. Isn't that power abuse? Why shouldn't I retaliate if I'm hurt? Aren't celebrities human too? Do I always have to endure and overlook everything? If that's the case, only AI celebrities will be left in the end.
I don't consider those, who spend money on me but then insult and hurt me by spreading hate comments, as my fans. There are real fans who support me, stand by me, and cheer me on, even in moments like this. They are precious people who have trust in me and share both the past and the future with me. It's with these people that I've come this far and achieved what I have now. I hope those who thoughtlessly type out hurtful words without seeing the consequences in their future realize that their actions could lead to regret down the line, even though their faces aren't visible behind the keyboard.
-Why do they act like that when they have their favorite singer's picture as their profile picture...
-I don't really know Ryeowook, but he speaks well and seems wise. I've always thought the same when I see haters, but seeing an idol express it like this on Twitter feels refreshing.
-They should at least remove their favorite idol's face from their profile picture before talking like that. I can't understand such behaviorㅋㅋㅋ Haters never realize they're haters. They always make excuse like 'I've been a fan for so long', 'I'm the one who makes you where you're at now'...
-Do they think it's okay to criticize a celebrity's appearance if they spend their money on them? People like that are not fans. They're just haters pretending to be fans.
-How much money did they spend on him to act like that?? Even if a few of haters like them leave, it wouldn't make a big difference to Ryeowook's life.
-What's with this nonsense again? Seriously, it's hilariousㅋㅋㅋ
-Ryeowook, fighting!
-If being an idol and earning money seems easy, then why don't they become idols and earn money themselves? If they think the idols they stan are worthless, they should just leave.
-Why are they doing this to Ryeowook?
-Ryeowook is absolutely right.
-Ryeowook hasn't said anything wrong.
-Ryeowook earned money because he sings well. What makes them think he didn't earn his own money through his abilities?
-He calmly spoke only the right words. I hope my singer thinks of me in the same way.
-Seriously, the fandom culture is really weird. It's just outright bullying.