Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Reason Why You Should Wear Sports Bra When You're on Diet


Cooper's Ligaments are transparent tissues that connect the skin and inner muscles of the chest, resembling fishing lines. 

Cooper's Ligaments normally stretch up to 6cm, but during intense exercise, chest can sway in all directions. 
Based on a D-cup, each breast weighs 1kg. In this case, the breasts can sag up to 14cm. 

The damage is equivalent to throwing a soccer ball from a height of 2 meters!
once damaged, they can't be repaired.
Severe shaking of the chest can cause permanent damage to Cooper's Ligament. 

The most damaging activity is undoubtedly exercisse. 
Therefore, you should firmly secure and minimize movement of your chest.
The solution is wearing a sports bra. 

Testing the effectiveness of a sports bra:

No bra --> Highest risk of damage
Normal bra reduces shock by 38%
Sports bra reduces shock by 70%

-I tried running with a regular bra, my chest hurt so much that I couldn't continue runningㅠㅠ

-There's nothing to shake for me...

-My belly shakes more.

-Since I was young, I used to do intense sports like boxing without wearing a sports bra or wearing cheap bras. Now that I'm an adult, my chest has sagged a lot. I really regret it to the point of considering surgery... Even if it's expensive, please wear a good sports bra.

-But when I wear a sports bra, my shoulders hurt so much that even after two hours, my arms go numb from the painㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Could you please tell me a good solutionㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-By any chance, do you know any good places to buy a sports bra? I recently started exercising. Is it very different from regular bras?
 ㄴIt minimizes chest movement, so it holds tightly and feels suffocating. The more intense the exercise, the more suffocating it becomes. If it's just simple muscle exercises or yoga, you can go with a very low level(?) bra. I only wear Nike, so I'm not sure, but it's hard to put on and take off, so I ended up buying one with a zipperㅋㅋ I haven't tried it yet though haha.

-I recommend Shock Absorber for those with large breasts.... It's expensive, but it's very worth it. It feels suffocating when you wear it, though ㅎ

-The Nike sports bra really holds tightly, which is good, but every time I put it on and take it off, it's like a battle.

-What if there's nothing shaking...?

-Wow, but one D-cup breast weighs 1kg...... If your chest is big, it's enough to make your shoulders hurt.

-Fortunately, there's nothing shaking or sagging for me...

-I'm usually so suffocated that I hardly wear a bra... so when I wear a sports bra while running, I feel like I can't breathe properly, and I feel even more out of breath.. ㅠ

-Men are so lucky... Even with just a little exercise, they can easily gain muscles compared to women. They don't have to worry about things like menstruation or their chest while exercising.

-I can't believe I've been carrying 2kg of breasts all my life... For me, it seems like wrapping with a bandage is be the best option.

-Before menstruation, even a slight shake of the chest is so painful that it's impossible for me to exercise without a sports bra...

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