Wednesday, January 31, 2024

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The tearful moments seem different for IU, BTS, and V in "Love Wins All": Overseas Reactions

 Amidst the flood of overseas reaction videos pouring in for "Love Wins All,"

I uploaded them because I felt that YouTubers' tearful moments were all different.

First of all, fundamentally,

"Dearest, Darling, My universe, will you take me with you?" was shocking and started it all.

And the tearful moments are divided into:

The moments with Jihye and Taejun in the camcorder

The Macaron scene:

The Chapsaltteok scene:

The lovex4 scene:

The photobooth scene:

The wedding scene:

The cube's appearance scene:

Another cube scene:

The scene where Taejun fights against the cube:

The part where Jihye covers Taejun's eye:

The part where Jihye and Taejun are about to vanish:

The part that shows the mountain of the clothes:

When the credit comes out:

-It's heart-wrenching from start to finishㅠㅠㅠ

-From the macaron sceneㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I start feeling melancholic from the moment they start running, Taejun... Jihye...

-I got chills and teary when the clothes fell at the end.

-For me, it's when IU giggles before picking up the macaron with the forkㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-From the beginning, it was heartwarming, but I started crying when Taejun's injury-free face appeared on the camcorder screenㅋㅋㅋㅋ And then, I calmed down a bit, but when the Cube appeared and then came out in groups, I started crying again. When Taejun raises his bat and smacks the Cube, I just couldn't hold back the tears until the end. Even after the music video ended, I felt sad for another hour or twoㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Just reading this post brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for curing my dry eyes.

-It really hits you when Jihye covers one of his eyes.

-I'm still in tears over the macaron sceneㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Everyone reacts differently, but nobody remains unaffectedㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-In the scene where the clothes fall at the end, the Japanese go "Eh..?" and the Americans go "What's happening?" and it becomes silentㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-From the first verse, I got goosebumps, then started tearing up from the camcorder scene. When Taejun fights the Cube guy, my heart started racing, and when Jihye covered his eye, I bawled.

-At first, the very end makes you emotional, but upon rewatching, it becomes sad from the camcorder scene.

-Now I naturally to think of them as Jihye and Taejunㅠㅠ

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