Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Man gives girlfriend of 3 years sleeping pills, then sexually assaults her with another man

TW: Sexual assault, mention of rape

 A (23) and B (23) who are charged with assault including rape under the Sexual Violence Prevention Act, have been arrested and prosecuted. 

A is accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend three times with the help of B after deceiving her into taking sleeping pills, which he claimed to be a hangover cure, in December last year. B is being investigated for committing the crime together with A after contacting him through the post A uploaded on social media. In addition, A is also being accused of illegally filming sexual acts without his girlfriend's consent and spreading them on social media 604 times since 2019. He used his phone and fire alarm-shaped camera he installed in his own house to film sexual acts, resulting in over 150 illegal videos. Moreover, he also took 13 videos of several women without their knowledge since May last year and saved the videos on his personal server.



-Is that even really his girlfriend??

-F*ckers... Women live in such anxiety that we can't even date anymoreㅜㅜ This country is crazy...

-That's crazy... I can't imagine how traumatized the victim must be...

-Please reveal those men's identities

-What did I just read...?

-They have been dating for 3 years, though? I don't know who to trust anymore...

-That man doesn't even see his girlfriend as a human

-Please reveal their identities and give them the punishment they deserve

-That is really horrible... How could this even happen?

-How could he do that to his own girlfriend? Is that even really his girlfriend?

-They've been dating for 3 years, how could he do that?? That woman is probably going to have a trust issue nowㅠㅠ

-You call yourself a human?

-I don't think that woman will be able to trust anyone anymore now... Oh Gosh

-This is why you shouldn't date Korean men

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