Friday, March 31, 2023


Fans' divided opinions on their favorite title track from Stray Kids

1. God's Menu

Welcome, it's easy to choose what you want in our kitchen

2. Back Door

3. Thunderous

"The one shouting" I'm Oh Changbin


It's not hard in this rough jungle, I'm okay

5. Maniac

Spinning, going crazy

6. Case143

Why do I keep~

7. Other than the ones listed above (Double Knot, Side Effects, etc)
Can't leave this option out

8. Levanter

SKZ's disowned kid

If you had to choose only one, what is your favorite title track from Stray Kids?

-Back Door, Back Door, Back Door, Back Door

-Thunderous has become my favorite after I went to their concert

-Thunderous!! Everything about that track is beautiful. From their MV, outfits, even to the choreography.

-The disowned kid, Levanter. Bring that song back😢😢😢😢

-Maniac and God's Menu

-My personal favorite is Maniac, but I think their most popular one is God's Menu

-Thunderous' M/V is shocking. Back Door only gets more legendary the more you listen to it.

-Whoa... That Changbin guy is really amazing. His unique voice is like the identity of SKZ's songs

-MIROH, but my favorite is their debut track...

-I can't pick one between God's Menu and MIROH

-Case 143. But before it was released, Side Effects was my favoriteㅋㅋㅋ

-The one with the biggest impact on me was God's Menu, but the one that I listen to the most is Back Door. I can't choose one.

-It used to be Thunderous, but it changed to Case 143 now...

-God's Menu... I can't move on from my first love...

-Not a fan, but I love 'Why do I keep'...

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