Friday, March 31, 2023


Boys Planet's real-time ranking


1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. Keita
7. Ricky
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
14. Park Hanbin
15. Lee Jeonghyeon
16. Kim Gyuvin
17. Yoo Seung Eon
18. Cha Woong-ki
19. ?
20. ?
21. ?
22. ?
23. ?
24. ?
25. ?
26. ?
27. ?
28. ?

Voters can vote up to 3 trainees

-Where's Hoetaek?ㅠㅠ I feel so uneasy...

-Boys Planet's viewers know really well that the PD doesn't like Rickyㅋㅋ Ricky barely gets any screen time. When he does, it's about something negative. It's really obvious that the PD is trying to drag him down. They're just revealing him because he won the benefit. The PD is really obvious about the trainees he likes, and I don't like that.

-I hate this... I wish only Korean citizens can vote, just like how it used to be back in Produce 101...

-Please save Kim Gyuvin, I'm begging youㅠㅠ

-I don't watch this show, but I can see the PD's ill-intention hereㅋㅋㅋ This is exactly why I don't watch survival shows...

-I really hate it when they only reveal half of the rankings like this... It's like they're f*cking trying to make some trainees get eliminated...

-Save Ricky...

-Woong-ki-yaㅠㅠㅠ I wonder where's Matthew...

-I will keep on voting for Ricky

-There's a potential that a Chinese trainee will rank #1 because of the benefit points...

-I feel like the debut line-up is going to consist a lot of foreigner trainees...

-I don't think I will stan the group if they debut with more than 3 foreigners...

-Let's save Lee Hoetaekㅠㅠ Please vote for Hoetaek, guysㅠㅠ

-They're back with the same shitㅋㅋㅋ Mnet still hasn't changed at all..

-Why are they only revealing half of the rankings?

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