Friday, May 13, 2022

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[QUEENDOM 2] Tam-I-Na - Queen is Na (Brave Girls Eunji x LOONA Olivia Hye, Yves, Choerry, Heejin)



-Monika is a genius and the girls slay the performance. This is amazing.

-This performance gets me goosebumps all over my body.

-They really rocked this stage. I'm not a fan but I was so immersed in the performance. No wonder they won.

-This performance was amazing. I think this is one of the few best performances I've seen in Queendom so far.

-I was so immersed that it felt like the whole performance is really short...

-I think this is the best performance in Queendom ever...

-This performance is the most unique one. It really shows how long and hard they've prepared for this stage.

-Olivia Hye is a cat

-The whole performance is flawless. The hairstyle, makeup, outfits... Everything about it is perfect.

-I kept getting goosebumps as I watch this performance. They really did great hereㅠㅠ

-Yves and Heejin are so cool...

-Will they release the song too? Or is it actually an already existing song? I love it

-Hyeju-ya... You're a baby fox...

-This is art

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