
Monday, April 4, 2022

Which type of person do you envy the most?


1. People with quick bowel movements, they finish doing #2 in just 5 minutes every morning

2. People who fall asleep quickly as soon as they lay their head on anything possible

3. People with strong stomachs, they don't get upset stomach or indigestion 

4. People with clear skin, they don't get acne, blemishes, or have big pores

5. People who don't gain weight no matter how much they eat and they don't have to work out to keep their bodies in shape


-#3. I wish I could drink coffee without worrying about my stomach.

-#5 is totally my friend. She eats so much more than I do, but she doesn't gain weight at all. I'm so f*cking jealous of her.

-I have #1 to #4 but not #5... I wish I could be #5...

-#4 because I have a lot of skin problems and I know how stressful it could be...

-#4 I do have skin problems, even though they're not that bad. I wish I could have clear skin, though.

-#2 I have insomnia and I'm really jealous of people who can sleep anywhere they want

-#3, I love flour and noodles but my stomach gets upset when I eat them. It's very torturing.

-#1 and #3. Oh, and also people who don't sweat a lot.

-#5 because I have #1 to #4 but I gain weight really easily...ㅠㅠㅠ

-#1 and #3, I'm fine with not having the rest thoughㅠㅠ

-All of them, but if I really had to pick one it'd be #4...

-What... I have all of those abilitiesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-#3. I don't need quick bowel movements, the ability to fall asleep easily, or clear skin. I just want to be able to digest well, that's all.
