Sunday, December 26, 2021


Snowdrop's ratings trend



Ep 1: 2.985

Ep 2: 3.898 (Highest)

Ep 3: 1.853

Ep 4: 1.689 (Lowest)


-The ratings are too good for that drama

-Who in the world actually watches this drama?

-I can't believe that there are people watching this drama...

-Let's discontinue this drama

-I don't think anyone besides Blackpink's fans watch this drama

-The ratings are still quite high. I can't believe it hasn't hit 0% already.

-It's because this drama is boringㅠㅠㅠ

-There are people watching this drama???

-What kind of people watch this drama... It still has over 1% of ratings...

-Let's go for 0%!!

-This drama is indeed controversial. But it's actually very boring, regardless of the controversy.

-Why are people watching this drama?

-It's still over 1%?

-Ep 4 is really good, let's aim for higher ratings

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