-Why do their skins look really yellow in that gif..
-Can someone tell me the name of the guy starting from the left..?
-The guy in the left somehow looks like the visual that you can find in NCT..
-They're going to debut with 5 members..?
-The lighting looks really weird..ㅠㅠ
-.....What just happened?
-They're just like BTS, but without V and Jin..
-Why do their faces look really yellow in that gif..ㅠㅠ It must be the lighting..
-Why do they all look sick..? Is it because of the lighting..?
-Hmm.. Let's wait until their debut before judging them. So when are they going to debut..?
-Big Hit should've done better with the lighting..
-Why do they look kinda different from the teasers..
-The first guy looks really handsome..
-The gif looks weird but they all actually look okay in the video..
-I think it's either the weird lighting or the make up that doesn't suit their skin tone..