Tuesday, May 31, 2016

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NCT releases a mysterious teaser

original -I'm curious..ㅠㅠ -I'm tremblingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -Hul.. I'm looking forward to itㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -It's not going to be a cosplay, right.... -Oh yeah -ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠPlease -Whoa, NCT!!!!! -I'm so happyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -SM is really good at fluttering fans' hearts.. -It's the kids' birthdays.. Ah.. Daebak.. -Mark, it's Mark.. -Civil War? Whoa..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ...
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Yoo Jaeseok takes a look at himself 10 years ago

"You're a celebrity, but why aren't you showing up on TV?" People said those words as a joke to me, but for me those words really.. When I get home.. Those.. Those words become a deep scar inside my heart.. This is the awards that I have ever received during 10 years of my work in this industry. And this one is a gift I got at the end of year Just...
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Guess what CLC promises if they get to win 1st place on music shows

An article explaining about CL's promise to shave off their heads if they get to win 1st place on music shows.  original -Why are they learning strange things from Lee Changseob... (shakes head) -(streams their song) -They only learned strange things from their senior.. -F..For real? They look like they'd cry if they do that.. -Seems...
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CLC who's taking after their senior's traits

Two of the oldest members in CLC, Seunghee and Yoojin, were seen hanging on a pole inside their practice room instead of practicing. Seems like they're inheriting their senior's traits.. Or maybe they hung on a pole instead of climbing a wall because they're girls.. Or maybe it's because they have moved to a different place and there's no wall to climb...
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Monday, May 30, 2016


affilation announcement!

Hello everyone! Today I would like to announce our affilition relationship with Spill The Deets! Spill The Deets -shortened as STD, is a new forum dedicated to pop music from around the world that is mainly focused on Asian music and culture.  In the future, I would announce every exciting events they make, such as giveaways or anything else. So...
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GFriend's SinB is under fire for her controversial past picture

original [+301][-76] 1. [+203][-19] April's Naeun got a lot of hate for this kind of controversial past picture but why does SinB get a lot of praises saying that she's pretty etc.. I really don't get it. And of course you can't just judge a person's behavior from the way they pose for selfies.. 2. [+42][-6] The reason April's Naeun got a lot of...
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Fans suspect that Hoshi and Raina are dating

Raina liked three tweets on Twitter, and they're all about Hoshi, but then unliked it all later. A fan saw them in an Udon Restaurant at dawn, the picture shows Hoshi and Raina were having a talk while facing each other. They wore the same clothes in different day original -Hul? -I will be super shocked if this is true.. But it doesn't...
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Two Idols who share the same soul

are Got7's JB and Jr. Even the fact that their names are Park Jinyoung and Lim Jaebum is so fascinating (probably because both are the names of SK's top-class singers) They even got casted at the same open audition, won the first place in the closed-audition and have never been apart since the first time they debuted as JJ Project until they...
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Fans are going crazy over Winner's height in real life

All of the members are almost as tall as Chanyeol...ㄷㄷ Chanyeol's height on his profile is 184cm, but a lot of people says that he's actually around 186cm. In the middle of that, Red Velvet looks so small and cuteㅋㅋㅋ (Just Winner) Short; Tall (Woman + Winner) Tall; woman; Tall, Tall, Tall, Even taller. (more pics and gifs in the link) original [+952][-75] 1....
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I'm sure D.O was born just a few minutes ago

??!?!?!??!? (bewildered) I'm the only one who ages instead of him.. He's just a baby who still smells like a powdered milkㄷㄷ original -Do Kyungsoo~~ Cutie~~ -He was born just 112 seconds agoㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -Aigoㅋㅋㅋㅋ How could he still looks the sameㅋㅋㅋㅋ -And he still hasn't realized that he's a cute human beingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Take a look at a mirror, Kyungsoo-yaㅠㅠㅠㅠ -I'm...
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Another idol who resembles Jack Frost

is Monsta X's Minhyuk. He always dyed his hair blonde after his debut, but this time, for the 'All In' promotion, he dyed his hair white. Minhyuk Jack Frost I don't know which one is Jack Frost and which one is Minhyuk... Please listen to Monsta X's new song 'All In' a lot! (more pics and gifs in the link) Original -Hulㅠㅠ He really...
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Sulli shows off her new hairstyle in recent pictures

original -She's really pretty.. -Sulli-yaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -Her hair is really long... -She looks like a Chinese girl.. -She's pretty.. She looks like a Japanese model here.. -She looks like a princess...<3 -Whoa.. How could she still looks good with that hairstyle and that kind of clothes.. -She looks like a Chinese doll.. -She somewhat...
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Sunday, May 29, 2016

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Reason why SM cast idols at young age

This cute fetus of SM Rookies, Donghyuk.. is now already 17 years old and almost as tall as Taeyong.. Donghyuk Op.. ((strange noises)) original -I want to date someone like him...... I'm suffering right now because I know I can't..  -ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI'm sorry for laughing at thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Oh, he has grown up well.. -He somewhat has...
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Is it weird for a fanboy to go to fansigns?

I'm a guy but I like male idolsㅎㅎㅎ I'm a fan of BTOB and Winner, I want to go to their fansign and see them from a close distance in real life.. But if a fanboy like me go to a fansign, will people think I'm weird? If there's any other fanboys reading this, please tell me the answer! original [+217][-4] 1. [+98][-3] BTOB really adores their fanboysㅎㅎㅎ...
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The way Sehun handles his dating rumours

There is a sasaeng who spreads rumours that she's currently dating Sehun. It was a hot topic among the fans, and somewhat it seems like Sehun knows it.. Who are you? Do I even have to do things like this.. original -Sehun is not a feedback machine.. Why does he always get a lot of hate comments whenever he uploads a picture after something happened? -It...
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

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Trainees nowadays..

Two weeks ago, I heard the rumours saying that SM The Ballad's former member, Jino, moved to Cube Ent. and is currently preparing for his debut. I'm not an SM fan, but I was really curious so I looked up his name on searching engine and found out a show called 'Pentagon Maker'.. ??? What's with this height difference?? No matter how small Jinho is,...
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