
Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Couple who's on the verge of divorce because of Aespa

I had a fight with my wife, please read and tell me if I'm in the wrong.

I'm a guy born in 1989, and my wife is three years younger than me. I'm a fan of Winter from Aespa. I'm not a hardcore fan who goes to concerts or has her as my phone wallpaper. I just enjoy Aespa's music and became a fan after Winter cut her hair short, because she looks really beautiful. If someone asks me which idol I like, I'd say I'm a fan of Winter. I don't own any merchandise or anything like that.

Recently, Aespa announced their new album. While listening to the teaser with my wife, I mentioned, "Oh, Aespa's new album is coming out. Should I buy a copy?" The last time I bought an album was BoA's Atlantis Princess cassette tape back in middle school. I thought of buying this one because I was just curious about how idol albums these days look like. 

My wife got really upset and said it was gross to like someone ten years younger. Her saying "gross" really pissed me off, so I said, "Your mom follows Jung Dongwon everywhere. Is that gross too?" Then she got serious and asked why I had to say that.

For context, my mother-in-law is a huge fan of Jung Dongwon, to the point where she attends his concerts domestically and abroad. Our family gatherings are always rescheduled around his events because of her. She’s in fan clubs, attends signing events, and is very active in fan communities.

After that, my wife kept accusing me of being a pervert for liking an idol ten years younger than me, calling it gross repeatedly. I responded with, "Your mom's even more extreme." We haven't talked to each other since yesterday.

I'm extremely angry and feel like buying ten copies of Aespa's upcoming album and laying them all out in the living room out of spite. But we have a child, so I can't consider divorce. What should I do?

-What exactly is she imagining to call it disgusting? Her mind is dirtier.

-He didn't bring up his mother-in-law to attack her. If she’s such a dedicated fan that family gatherings have to be scheduled around her idol's events, I'd probably say, "What about your mom?" too.

-I don't understand the wife's behavior.

-She probably overreacted out of jealousy.

-I think it's understandable for him to react like that when he's called disgusting for wanting to buy an album. Especially since his mother-in-law follows her idol to overseas schedules. His mother-in-law is not only 10 years older than him, Jung Dongwon could pass as her grandson...

-What's so disgusting about liking an idol??

-If the wife had just said she was jealous, the husband might have found it cute and it could've ended happilyㅋㅋㅋㅋ But calling it 'gross' is offensive.

-What's so disgusting about liking an idol? What is she thinking?

-She could dislike it, but her way of expressing it is completely wrong. If my husband said that to me when I bought an idol's album, I'd be really hurt.

-Isn't the wife weird for getting upset about her husband wanting to buy an album?

-What kind of thoughts does she have to think liking an idol ten years younger is disgusting? Does that mean all fans here are disgusting? It's not even a ten-year gap; some fans like minor idols too. Is she jealous of Winter and taking it out on the husband?

-She's overreacting.

-If I was the husband, I'd buy multiple copies and apply for a video call fan sign event out of spiteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The wife is the crazy one. When women like younger celebrities, they're just being fangirls, but when men do it, it's disgusting? If mentioning the mother-in-law is such a big deal, then she also crossed the line by calling her husband disgusting and a pervert.

-If she was jealous, she should've just said so. Calling her own husband disgusting is crossing the lines.

-What was she thinking? The wife is actually the disgusting one.