
Monday, May 20, 2024

Kang Daniel's Official Statement

 This is Kang Daniel's legal representative, Law Firm Woori (Attorney Park Sung-woo).

We are sharing Kang Daniel’s position regarding the recent criminal complaint.

Kang Daniel filed a criminal complaint with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on the 20th against the main shareholder of Connect Entertainment. The charges include forgery of documents, embezzlement, breach of trust, hacking, and computer fraud.

For the past five years, Kang Daniel, as the CEO and artist, has worked hard to protect the company. He tried for over a year to minimize damage to the other artists, employees, and partners before deciding to take legal action. He concluded that there was no other way to resolve the issues.

1. Regarding the forgery and use of forged documents:

In January 2023, Kang Daniel found out that in December 2022, a distribution contract worth over 10 billion KRW had been signed using the company seal and the CEO’s name without his knowledge. Despite asking many times about the contract’s details, he received no response and had to get bank records himself to confirm what happened.

2. Regarding the embezzlement:

It was found that over 2 billion KRW had been withdrawn from the company’s accounts through foreign transfers and business income processes without any proper approval from the CEO, the board, or shareholders.

3. Regarding the breach of trust:

It was also discovered that a corporate card had been used to spend tens of millions of KRW, which was falsely recorded in the accounting books as expenses for Kang Daniel’s props.

4. Regarding the hacking and computer fraud:

While checking the company’s financial transactions, Kang Daniel found that over 1.7 billion KRW had been withdrawn from his bank account without his knowledge.

We are grateful and sorry for the concern and sympathy shown by many who read the news about Kang Daniel’s situation. He knows that litigation causes a lot of worry, as he has experienced this before. However, he hopes that by taking this action, such unjust situations will no longer happen in the entertainment industry.

We will update you once the investigative agencies have thoroughly examined and clarified the details of the case.

Thank you.

(For reference, in 2023, despite being busy with overseas tours, concerts, activities, and award ceremonies, Kang Daniel was also working to resolve these issues.)


-Wow, stealing 1.7 billion, that's insane!

-I hope it gets resolved wellㅠㅠ

-He must have been through a lot. Let's stay strong.

-Wow, this is insane........

-He must have gone through a lot of hardship now...

-It's really sad... He had to go through this not just once, but twice...

-What on earth does the major shareholder even do? It's so suspicious...Isn't the major shareholder just someone who owns a lot of shares?

-How difficult it must have been to try to resolve it for over a year..

-That jerk deserves punishment, seriously ㅜㅠ

-Stay strong ㅜㅜ

-How could the shareholders access the company's finances? Did the shareholders hold a position within the company? Why did the shareholders use the CEO's account and corporate card?

-Wow, over a year... He must have suffered a lot...

-Wow... He knew since January '23 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Fans had no idea at all ㅜㅜ He was happily active, doing concerts, and stuff ㅠㅠ We had no idea ㅜㅜㅜㅜ"
