Wednesday, March 20, 2024


NH Nonghyup Bank and Chum Churum Terminates Their Advertising Contract with Han Sohee Amidst Controversies


Han Sohee's dating news with actor Ryu Junyeol has led to the termination of her advertising contract with Lotte Chilsung.

According to Lotte Chilsung on the 20th, Han So-hee's 'Chum Churum' advertising model contract expired in early March. Lotte Chilsung stated, "We did not renew the contract after the one-year term expired," and added, "The next advertising model is undecided."

Han So-hee has been active as the model for 'Chum Churum' since March 2023. At that time, Lotte Chilsung explained the background of selecting her as a model, stating, "We considered Han So-hee's active communication with fans through Instagram."

In addition, NH Nonghyup Bank has also terminated its contract with Han So-hee. According to the industry on this day, NH Nonghyup Bank terminated its advertising model contract with Han So-hee and is known to be actively recruiting a new star model for upcoming promotional shoots. Han Sohee was appointed as a model for NH Nonghyup Bank in 2021, and has been active for three years until earlier this month.

Furthermore, the used car sales platform Hey Dealer has also closed the YouTube advertisement comments section. This is speculated to be due to criticism comments related to the recent controversies.


-All of this just because she's dating the wrong guy...

-It's not Han Sohee's fault... Those brands are probably changing their models because it's time...

-I didn't even know she was the model of Chum Churum before reading this article...

-Isn't it because their contracts with Han Sohee already expired...? Why are you making it sound like they terminated their contracts because of the dating news...?

-They terminated their contracts not because Han Sohee did wrong. They just don't want to get involved with celebrities during controversies like this.

-It's because her contracts with those brands are expired...

-Her contracts have expired... This article makes it sound like those brands are firing her...

-In the end, celebrities are just products...

-Well, if I were those brands, I wouldn't want to renew my contract with her too anyway...

-Looks like this reporter really have nothing else to write about...

-She's still rich regardless...

-This article is so maliciously written...

-Honestly, she doesn't suit the bank image... I'm sure she's going to sign another advertising contract anyway. 

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