Wednesday, March 20, 2024

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Recent Vote Shows the Scale of the Fandom Core of 5th Gen Boy Groups These Days


 The First Topic of Singles Ranking Awards!

Please vote for the ⭐️Visual Duo of 5th Gen Boy Groups⭐️ that you think!

💗Candidates💗 ZB1's Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao; RIIZE's Sungchan, Wonbin; TWS' Shinyu, Dohoon, Boy Next Door's Lee Han, Taesan

Current result: ZB1 >/ RIIZE >>> Boy Next Door > TWS

So far, 115,000 people have voted.




Boy Next Door

-Fans of survival show boy groups tend to have strong akgaes, so many people intentionally choose not to vote

-But isn't the visual of ZB1 Han Yujin?

-Honestly, I had no idea 5th Gen had already startedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Are those the popular members in their groups?

-I didn't know we were judging the fandom core based on this...

-My idols were mentioned here, but I didn't even know this vote existed

-What?? 5th Gen?? I'm not even familiar with 4th Gen yet...

-You're telling me it's not even the 4th Gen anymore, but 5th Gen...?? Time flies so fast. 

-We're still in the 4th Gen...

-If I memorize these idols here, can I become an MZ Gen too?

-I don't even know we already reached 5th Gen...

-What is this...? I'm a fan of them, but it's my first time seeing this poll

-I only know Anton and Wonbin in RIIZE...

-International fans usually vote on polls like this as if their life depends on it

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