
Sunday, March 17, 2024

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Jennie Reveals She Always Splits the Bill with Her Friends

YJS: Jennie, you treat people a lot now right?

Jennie: I try to. But it's not as easy as I thought. Being the youngest and all, wherever I go, every time I try to treat my friends, they're just like... 'We're friends' (gestures). They won't let me buy them food. 

YSC: What's with your friends? Who are they? Are they world-class of the world-class?

YJS: Is your friend someone like Ariana Grande?

Jennie: No... Just my friends of the same age in Korea

YJS: But they won't let you buy them food?

Jennie: Actually, I think it's because we're friends

CTH: So you just split the bill?

Jennie: Yes

YJS: The thing is, they won't let you buy them food even if you try to because they want you to treat them as friends. 

Her friends probably say, 'What kind of freelancer buys her friends food?'


-I mean... If I were her friend, it would feel burdensome to have her buy me foodㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's probably her friends' way of maintaining their relationship with her. Her friends seem really cool.

-Are her friends named Lisa and Rosé?

-It's probably because her friends are idols, actors, models, etcㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I have a celebrity friend who, even though not as popular as Jennie, is quite popular. However, I don't want to take advantage of her. Unless it's a special occasion, we always split the bills. Regardless of my income, I just don't want money to be involved in my friendship...? Well, I do love it when they give me gifts, though. 

-Even from the perspective of someone who gets treated, it feels awkward to only keep receivingㅋㅋㅋㅋ Splitting the bill is way more comfortable. 

-When I was still looking for job, it was uncomfortable for me when my employed friends paid for everything. Ironically, I felt less inclined to hang out with them because of that. That's why I understand what her friends feel. It's about wanting to be equal, I guess. They're friends anyway. 

-Isn't it strange if you're always the one who receives? If there's only two of you, one can pay for the meal and the other one can pay for the dessert. But if you hang out as a group, splitting the bill is the best. 

-That's also probably why they're friends in the first place. 

-Wow... If my friend was Jennie, I'd probably let her buy me food every time. It seems like her friends are really good people. 

-To be Jennie's friends, they're probably around her level... So they must be making a lot of money as well. 

-If I were her friend, I'd treat her even better because I don't want to lose her as a friend...ㅋㅋㅋ

-Income isn't the issue here...ㅋㅋㅋ Just because someone earns more, doesn't mean they always have to pay for her friends' meals. From her friends' perspective, she's just another regular friend. So there's no reason to make her pay for their meals, right...?

-Exactly, if they're really her friends, they wouldn't expect her to always pay just because she earns more than them. 

-Seems like her friends are all doing well financially.
