Tuesday, July 11, 2023

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Infinite Sunggyu announces legal action against hate comments

 Hello, this is Double HTN Ent. 
Thank you to all the fans who always support and love our artist, Kim Sunggyu.

We would like to inform you that we will be taking legal action in response to malicious posts and comments related to our artist, Kim Sunggyu, on online communities and social media. 

We have been considering not taking legal action as we listen to the opinions of the fans and prioritize the thoughts of Kim Sunggyu, who values his fans. However, due to the actions of certain individuals who leave malicious comments, we have decided that we can no longer ignore this situation as we are concerned about the well-being of Kim Sunggyu and his fans. We have decided to take strong legal action. 

In the future, if malicious posts such as defamation, personal attacks, and false information related to our artist are found, we will take strong action based on the evidence collected through internal monitoring and reports. We also plan to gather evidence related to this for the purpose of protecting our artists. Please send any additional reports to the email (dh_tne@naver.com)

We apologize for causing concern before the highly-anticipated Infinite's comeback. 

Please understand that we may not be able to individually respond to the reports about malicious posts. 

Double HTN Ent. will always do its best to protect its artist, Kim Sunggyu. 

Thank you. 

After 10 years of being attacked by akgaes in the fandom, Sunggyu's side is finally taking legal action (I believe that he has been considering not taking legal action on his own will)


-That's a great decision!!!

-Akgaes are the meanest to the members who are well-liked by the public... I fully support his decision to take legal action

-Akgaes are usually the scariest, they're evils...

-I didn't know Infinite had akgaes... I can't imagine how hard it must've been for Sunggyuㅠㅠ I hope he will sue them all with no exceptions

-Akgaes of some certain members are really meanㅋㅋㅋ It must've been so tough for Infinite and Sunggyu's fans all this timeㅠㅠ

-I didn't know such a thing happened. I hope all those haters will get their asses sued with no exceptions. 

-It looks like those akgaes are acting up again... It must've been so hard for both Sunggyu and his fans all this time

-You're telling me that there are people who hate Sunggyu? I mean, he hasn't even been involved in any controversies lately...

-Whoa... I can't believe the akgaes here are that mean. I don't even want to consider them as 'fans'. They're not helpful in any aspects at all. 

-Akgaes are not fans. I hope they all will get sued. 

-Whoa... It gives me goosebumps to think this has happened in the last 10 years;; He debuted in 2010, which means he has been receiving malicious comments from the time he debuted. I hope he'll show them no mercyㅠㅠㅠ

-They've been torturing Sunggyu for 10 years? Wow... That's absolutely crazy. He's amazing for being patient all this time...

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