Sunday, December 11, 2022

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What is the first drama of 2PM Junho that you watched?

 I became a fan in 2009, so my answer is Memory

1. Memory - Jung Jin

2. Good Manager - Seoyul

3. Rain or Shine - Lee Kang-doo

4. Wok of Love - Seo Poong

5. Confession - Choi Dohyun

6. The Red Sleeve - Lee San

-Good Manager

-The Reed Sleeve

-I first saw him on Good Manager, but I started watching properly on The Red Sleeve

-Hul... I haven't watched any of his dramas. What is going on?

-I became a fan of 2PM in 2010, so Memory!!ㅋㅋㅋ

-Rain or Shine

-For dramas, it's Good Manager. For movies, it's Cold Eyes.

-Cold Eyes. I have only watched one of his filmography.

-The Red Sleeve. I still haven't watched any of his movies.

-Seems like I'm the only one who first saw him in Wok of Loveㅋㅋ

-I watched Twenty without knowing he was Junho from 2PM. I think The Red Sleeve was the first drama that I ever watched.

-I first saw him in Good Manager and became a fan after he starred in Rain or Shine

-Rain or Shine. Kang-doo-yaㅠㅠㅠ

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