Monday, October 31, 2022

People still go to Itaewon today despite what happened yesterday

 They are really... really... amazing for thatㅋㅋ

#HalloweenDay #HalloweenParty #Itaewon #RIP


1. [+142][-1] RIP...? I doubted my eyes for a second. I guess Instagram is the application where faith in humanity is lost. 

2. [+58][-0] They're amazing for putting their hands together like that

3. [+41][-0] Whoa... I want to go to their Instagram account and leave hate comments there.

4. [+29][-0] Whoa, they must be out of their mind to pose like that and put RIP in the caption. Looks like they have no intelligence. 

5. [+14][-0] That just shows how stupid and ignorant they are

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