Monday, October 31, 2022

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But if Jang Wonyoung works with Innisfree...

 I wonder why the pictures come out like this whenever Jang Wonyoung works with Innisfree? Why did they do that to such a beautiful face?


How Jang Wonyoung usually looks like


1. [+200][-3] Doesn't Jang Wonyoung suit colored makeup better? That's why when she was chosen as Innisfree's model, people said she would've suited Etude House better.

2. [+169][-33] Jang Wonyoung looks beautiful even with light makeup. She looks pure and innocent. 

3. [+107][-17] Anyone can tell she only looks different because that's really different from her usual makeup styleㅋㅋㅋ Here, take a look at Jang Wonyoung's recent pictures~~ Nice f*cking tryㅋㅋ

4. [+72][-11] Jang Wonyoung usually doesn't do heavy eye makeup. She suits colored makeup and emphasizes it more on her cheek and lips. She usually doesn't have heavy eye makeup.

5. [+64][-2] She suits idol makeup style better...

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