
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Am I the only one who doesn't like Relay Dances these days?

 Back then, the members would just stand in line randomly regardless of their parts, and then they would dance one by one in order. These days, two or three members would dance in formations. It feels like I'm just watching regular performances but on a smaller screen?? Some groups even stand according to their parts, where's the fun in that?? Back then, the members would just come to the front and dance even though it's not their part. It was really fun and adorable to see. But they don't do Relay Dance like they used to now. Am I the only one who prefers the old version of Relay Dance?

I don't mean to hate any idols by writing this post, I'm just comparing the old version of Relay Dance to the new one. 

Here are screen captures of the new version of Relay Dance

And here are screen captures of the old version of Relay Dance


1. [+253][-3] These days, we don't get to see them get confused and panic when they have to dance to the parts that are not theirs. It's such a pity. 

2. [+224][-3] I totally agree, this is what I've been meaning to say. It was really adorable to see idols panic when they have to dance to the parts that are not theirs. These days, Relay Dance is not any different from their original performance. It's boring. 

3. [+153][-0] Weki Meki got a lot of f*cking hate when they did Relay Dance in their debut era. They prepared a lot for their next Relay Dance and it got positive reaction from the public. Since then, a lot of idols would dance in formation when they do Relay Dance. 

4. [+90][-0] Hul, this is exactly what I thought. We already get to see them dancing in beautiful formations on stage. We want to see them standing in line randomly when they do Relay Dance. 

5. [+85][-0] We're not whining...ㅋㅋㅋ We just want to see cuteness, that's all. We don't want to see them dancing in formations like what their companies told them to. 

6. [+35][-0] It looks like they practiced for Relay Dance beforehand now...ㅠㅠ
