Saturday, August 20, 2022

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Post about Nam Taehyun that 'Heart Signal' Seo Minjae uploaded and then removed from her Instagram


'Nam Taehyun does Philopon. The syringes are either in my room or in the cabinet in my office. And he also hits me'

It is said that the two of them run a cafe together


-I think the police have to start to look into this situation...?

-I think she's in a danger. How do we report this?

-I think she's asking for help. I just checked her account and she keeps posting things.

-I don't think her account is hacked. The police should go and check whether she's safe or not.

-I feel like she types that using Siri... What in the world is happening?

-Hul... She's using Siri to write that?

-I'm sure people around her have reported this;; Stop worrying about her...

-Seems like they did drugs together...?

-I don't think she's being hacked. She's either drunk or high. 

-I don't care if she's hacked or not. I think the police need to start investigating.

-I don't know anything but it seems like she's in a danger...

-It looks like she's in a danger. I think she's asking for help.

-Is that the Nam Taehyun I know?

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