Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Child actress Kim Saeron will be having her driving license revoked after her blood sample test result came out

 The blood sample test result of Kim Saeron (21), who was charged after causing an accident while driving under the influence during rush hour, just came out.

Kim is suspected of trying to run away after hitting trees on the roadside and electric equipment while driving her SUV car under the influence on the 18th at around 8AM. The accident broke the electric transformer box and caused a power outage in the surrounding area for 4 hours. Police, who were dispatched after receiving reports, caught Kim about 640m away from the scene of the accident. Kim refused to take a breath test and her blood was tested in a nearby hospital.


-How could she think of driving when she's that drunk? Well... You lose your cognitive ability when you're drunk.

-I hope she knows how lucky she was that she didn't hit a person or killed herself in that accident.

-It's such a relief that she didn't injure any people in that accident. Is she out of her mind?

-Whoa, I'm very disappointed in her

-It's very disappointing... And it's even more shocking because I've watched her grow up...

-She could've just taken the breath test, why did she have to take the blood test? To buy more time?

-I bet she's going to be on hiatus for around 2 years before having her comeback on TV

-It's a miracle that she just hit electric equipment and not a person...

-This hits me hard. This is why we shouldn't believe celebrities' images at all.

-What would she do if she hit a person. She drove straight to the roadside.

-She could've killed herself in that accident... Oh my goodness...

-Just imagine how much she drank before she drove... Crazy

-Not surprised, I already expected that when I saw the footage...

-It's more shocking to me to know that she's only 21 years old...

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