Sunday, January 9, 2022


The difference between TWICE's members when they dance to Alcohol-Free

 I'm leaving Jeongyeon out of this post because she was in a condition where she couldn't dance properly









My favorites are Nayeon and Chaeyoung

-Momo is such a great dancerㅋㅋㅋ But I like Nayeon's dance the best, it looks so refreshing

-As a non-fan, my favorite for Alcohol-Free is Nayeon

-Of course, it's Nayeon. But they're all great dancers. But still, Nayeon for Alcohol-Free.

-Nayeon. I don't know how she does that, it's fascinating.

-There's literally not one of them who is not a great dancer. How can the whole group is great at dancing?

-I love all of them, but Nayeon, Sana, and Jihyo are the most outstanding ones during Alcohol-Free era for me.

-I don't know much about dance, I just know that I love Jihyo. I mean, of course I love all of them but Jihyo is mine.

-The way Nayeon and Sana sway side to side is really beautiful. Besides, their outfits were really pretty. It suited the song really well.

-The fascinating thing is that Nayeon's dance is not that amazing or incredible, but she steals your attentionㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think Dahyun's dance is similar to Nayeon's. 

-Nayeon and Dahyun!! Dahyun looks so effortless when she dances to this songㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Nayeon with no doubt

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