
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

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The most legendary birthday project in the industry

1. The satellite that consists of birthday wishes for Jaemin will orbit around the earth for 90 mins
2. Morse codes will be shown in Seoul sky for approximately 2 mins


1. [+104][-5] Jaemin's very own Junpyo Noonas

2. [+93][-6] They say it'll look like this, so freaking cool

3. [+32][-0] Why are you guys being so nosy, it's freaking funny. The fans feel so grateful for Jaemin and everything he has given to them, that's why they do this in returnㅠㅠ!! Why are you so pressed with satellite orbiting around the world for 90 mins and morse codes shown in the sky for 2 mins...ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+20][-20] Get this comment the same amount of upvote and downvote

5. [+19][-0] NCTzens are really amazing... Didn't they also have a big project for Taeyong's birthday?