Tuesday, July 21, 2020

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Irene's selfie is insane...


1. [+96][-6] I really like this one tooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+71][-4] She wanted to dye her hair blonde for this promotions, but the hairstylists didn't allow her, that's why she's using wigs

3. [+52][-2] Fans would go crazy if she releases that picture as a photo card

4. [+27][-2] I really hope idols would stop using filters from applications like Soda, Snow, ULike, etc... Your facial features are already perfect enough, all the filters do is blur them out...

5. [+25][-25] Get this comment the same amount of upvote and downvote

6. [+25][-0] I heard Irene's habit when she's drunk is sending out her selfies to people she knowsㅠㅠㅠ That's so cute, I wish I was her friends...

7. [+21][-2] Selfie...

8. [+19][-1] She's so freaking gorgeous

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