Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Day6's You Were Beautiful climbed back up to music charts right now

There was a post in Daum Cafe about the songs that deserve to climb back up to the music charts instead of the manipulated ones and there were a lot of comments mentioning Day6's You Were Beautiful --> It became the most-searched song in music charts --> It climbed to music charts (Bugs, Genie) at 11PM --> Fans started mass-streaming after seeing it climbed back to music charts --> Now

And now the song has been liked for 91K times
For your record, You Were Beautiful is currently having their highest rank in Genie and Bugs ever since its release.

-I really love this song

-This is my favorite song everㅠㅠㅠ

-This is the best song ever. I used to listen to this song on my way to school.

-It has been 3 years since the release. I have been listening to this song for 3 years and I will never get sick and tired of it.

-I've listened to this song because my bias did a cover of it and I have to admit that it's a really great song...

-I couldn't f*cking agree more. I'm telling you, this is a really nice song.

-I'm currently streaming to this song from Genie...

-This song deserves it. It deserves to hit big.

-This is my favorite song of Day6 along with Man in a Movieㅠㅠㅠ

-You can go to Day6's discography and randomly choose any songs to listen and not be disappointed. All of their songs are really great.

-I've been putting this song on repeat for an hour...

-I'm not a fan but if you haven't listened to this song, you have to. Day6's songs are all really nice.

-This is the type of song that you will never get sick and tired of no matter how many times you have listened to itㅠㅠ

-Day6 needs to hit big, they have a lot of legendary songs...

-The song with the most beautiful lyrics I have ever listened to

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