Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Let's share random gifs of our biases

My bias is Winner

Winner with their poor timing

Winner pretending to ride a speed skate(?)

Lee Seunghoon and his adorable danceㅠㅠ

Lee Seunghoon pretending to blow the candles with his fist


1. [+669][-37] BTS spotted in Hawaii

2. [+545][-31] It looks even funnier because the members seem to not care about him at all..ㅋㅋ

3, [+438][-25] There's one member who walks backwards..

4. [+278][-11]

5. [+253][-11] None of them is properly seated in this gif..

6. [+249][-24] Yes.. This is the same guy who did a speech in UN.. It's him..
'Where's my sunglasses..?'
'Ah.. Seems like I dropped it somewhere'
'Oh..? It's hanging on my shirt..'

7. [+245][-15] He's the one who does the slate, and yet he gets surprised by it..

8. [+241][-16] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+229][-4] 'Why is the camera going towards us..? Ah!! Ta-dah~~'

10. [+218][-8] He pretends to be cool when the camera shots him..

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