Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Wanna One's Kang Daniel truthful confession, 'I quit eating jelly'

theqoo -Is it because of his diet..?? -He's the person who made me start eating jelly and now he, himself, quit eating jelly..?? What in the world..ㅋㅋ -I wonder what's the reason behind his decision to quit eating jelly..ㅋㅋ -And here I am, started to eat jelly after seeing you eating jellyㅋㅋㅋㅋ How could you quit eating jelly!! -How is it...
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The building that Black Pink's album producers are really into

That building doesn't only appear in the MV, but also in the album cover is the outdoor theater of Kyunghee University theqoo -I seriously thought it was just a set in a studio.. Or is this just a joke? -The building indeed looks very cool.. -Hul.. I can't believe it's the same building.. -Maybe the producers graduated from Kyunghee...
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If you could choose your face for your next life, which one would it be: Krystal's vs Sulli's

Krystal Sulli theqoo #111: Sulli #113: Sulli #114: Sulli with no doubt.. #115: Of course it's Sulli.. #116: Of course it's Sulli.. #117: Sulli #118: Sulli #119: Sulli #120: Sulli #121: Sulli with no doubt.. #122: Sulli #123: Sull #124: Sulli #125: Sulli with no doubt.. #126: Sull, with no doubt.. #127:...
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BTS V, 'I would like to thank my junior, Wanna One's Park Jihoon, for choosing me as his role model'

theqoo -Is he real..? He's so freaking handsome.. -Hul.. He's handsome.. -Look at his face.. -His face surely makes me go speechless.. -Hul.. I want to see them having interactions in public.. A handsome guy with another handsome guy.. -V always looks stunning.. I don't know if it's because I'm a fan of Park Jihoon, but I'm starting to...
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Lee Chanhyuk enlisted in Marine Corps yesterday..

instiz -Good luck..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ -Why.. Why does the picture look edited.. I'm sure that tons of legendary songs would be born during the period he serves in the military, I'm already looking forward to it.. -Whoa.. All of the people around him look very.. strong(?) -He's the only one who looks cheerful there..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Hul.. Marine Corps.. -Why...
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There is another Daniel among the trainees in Produce 101 Season 2!

is Starship Ent.'s trainee, Lee!! Gwang!! Hyun!! He was in the Team 1 of Replay (a.k.a Pink Slave) and Rhythm Ta Team (a.k.a Healing Ta)! Sewoon: Lee Daniel~! Gwanghyun: It's Lee Daniel (For real) He reveals his christian name in the behind scenes that was uploaded yesterday! Gwanghyun: I miss Daniel Hyung<3 (Since we keep talking about...
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The lyrics of BTS's new songs

The lyrics of BTS' new song, Pied Piper theqoo -I'm not a fan of BTS, but I really like this song.. -This is not the type of song that I'm into.. But I have to admit that BTS is very well-known because of this vibe they have in their songs.. -Is this their title track.. and not their side track..??? -That's a very unique song.. -It's because their targets are teenagers who...
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The reason why being a female idol is an extreme job..

Viva: Hello! Me (Master Kim): Hello! Viva: What's your name? Me: You can write my name as 'Joo Kyulkyung's husband'! And please wish me a happy birthday here! Viva: Ah, alright! Me: What do you think about me? How old do I look? Am I handsome? Viva: Pardon?! Me: I'm just trying to be funny! Because you're the last member to sign my album today! Viva:...
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The five undeniable confirmed-to-debut girls from Idol School

Their ranks are very stable and they have a huge possibility to debut theqoo -Isn't Lee Chaeyoung supposed to be in this list too..?? -Lee Chaeyoung and Baek Jiheon have a huge possibility to debut as well.. -The girls in Idol School are so much prettier than the girls in Produce 101.. Even though their talents are totally the opposite.. -Lee...
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The things that 100% will make any women's heart to flutter when men do it

1. When he pats your head 2. When he compares the size of his hand with yours Especially if he says, 'Your hands are so small.. They look cuteㅎㅎ' 3. When he says, 'Hey kiddo, grow a little bit taller~~ Sleep earlyㅋㅋㅋ' theqoo -Nope.. -I don't like people touching my head.. -It only makes your heart flutter when the person you like does...
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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

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The picture that will make you realize how light SNSD's make up was during their debut days

For the eye make up, they only curled her eye lashes and used clear mascara. They didn't even use false eye lashes or anything else. And for the foundation, they used the shade that matched her actual skin-tone. I don't think they even covered her blemishes at all.. This is way lighter than daily make-up that women wear these days.. theqoo -She looks...
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Which was the most iconic (ex) maknae-line in their groups?

1. Sulli-Krystal 2. Sohee-Hyuna-Sunmi theqoo -#2.. Whoa.. How was it possible for those three to be in the same group.. -Honestly, Sohee-Hyuna-Sunmi promoted together for only one song..ㅋㅋ -#1.. Sohee, Hyuna, and Sunmi promoted together for a really short time.. -If you're talking about my personal preferences when it comes...
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Can you see Kang Daniel in him?

Jung Sungho's attempt to cosplay as Kang Daniel I can see a little bit of Kang Daniel in him.. theqoo -They look exactly the same.. -I can see Park Geunhye in him..ㅋㅋㅋ -He doesn't resemble Kang Daniel at all.. -A big flop.. -Nope.. He looks like Park Geunhye instead.. -He just looks like Park Geunhye with different hair color.. -Well,...
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