-I.. personally... really hate that hairstyle..
-I'm sorry but I hate it..
-Please don't let this hairstyle becomes a trend..
-That hairstyle reminds me of horse..........
-Honestly, I'm liking that hairstyle..
-It's ridiculous to judge another person's hairstyle but if I was a man I would never do that hairstle..
-Please don't do that hairstyle..
-I was so shocked to see Bae Jinyoung's hairstyle for Boy in Luv.. I hate that hairstyle no matter how handsome they are..
-Dean is just using a hair extension! He'll get rid of that hairstyle soon!
-Ugh.. I hate it.. It looks so stuffy and uncomfortable..
-Oh.. I have a feeling it's going to be a big trend..
-Whoa.. Is this going to become a trend..? Female celebrities have the choppy bangs, seems like this will be a trend among the male celebrities..
-Song Mino's penalty hairstyle..
-This reminds me of Song Minoㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Ugh I hate it.. At least choppy bangs look cute on some people..
-I hate it..
-Joohyuk-ah, cut your hair..