-I have no thoughts to participate on voting the trainees, I just want to monitor them and see how people react to the show..
-I have to vote for Moongyu, so I'm going to watch it.. He's my Jongin's friend..
-Hul.. Moongyu is going to participate? I really liked his debut song, thoughㅠㅠ I have to vote for him..ㅠㅠ
-I thought Moongyu already debuted with Hot Shot?
-...I have a feeling I will end up watching it..
-I'm going to watch it.. I hope there will be a lot of handsome guys on the show..ㅠㅠ Please..
-What kind of innocent guy will they use for their own witch hunt..
-Yes.. I'm not going to watch it. I don't like the PD..
-I will watch it if those guys are the one who's going to be on the show..
-I thought Moongyu has already debuted? I heard he'll participate in this show.. What is this all about?
-I'm going to watch it. I'm really looking forward to it..
-Nope.. I'm not going to buy this..
-They didn't treat the girls right in the previous season, that's why I'm not going to watch this one..
-I'm going to watch it because of Moongyu.. He's friends with Jongin and Taemin..
-Yup. Not going to watch it.
-I predict that this season will be boring..
-Nope. No. Not going to watch it.
-I'm busy fangirling over my babies.
-Honestly.. I think I'm going to watch it..
-I'll decide it after watching the first episode.