
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The director and writer who are announced to be working on American remake of 'Squid Game'

Director: David Fincher

Notable works: Fight Club, Se7en, Gone Girl, etc.

It’s been reported that he has been preparing for the 'Squid Game' remake for the past two years. 

Writer: Dennis Kelly

Notable works: Utopia (British TV series), Matilda the Musical (film adaptation)


-Hul... David Fincher??? For real?????????????

-They haven't even released season 2 yet, and they're already remaking season 1??

-Why though???

-It'll be a thousand times better than the originalㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They're remaking Squid Game??? Already????

-Wow, I'm excited for this.

-It seems like a plot and setting Fincher would like.

-Wait, David Fincher...?

-But why? Why bother?

-Please release Mindhunter season 3 instead...

-The director is reliable, but considering everyone worldwide has already seen the original, is a remake necessary? Unless it's a spinoff.

-Oh, this is going to be fun.

-They should just make Mindhunter season 3 instead, seriously, why bother...

-Why remake something everyone worldwide has already seen?

-They're always trying to change everything to their style.

-I'm curious what Fincher's version of Squid Game will be like.

-Huh??? David Fincher???

-Is there a need to make it when the original just came out?

-Why remake it so soon after it came out?

-Fincher, please make Mindhunter season 3 instead...
