
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Lee Hyori Was Right... 57-year-old Tak Jaehoon Calls 34-year-old Nicole an "Ahjumma"

by Journalist Lee Sojung

Tak Jaehoon (Born in 1968) caused discomfort among viewers by referring to Nicole (Born in 1991), a member of the group KARA, as 'Ahjumma.'

Tak Jaehoon commented on KARA's comeback activities, saying, "You danced energetically even though it wasn't exciting." Nicole responded, "We were quite cool. It was no joke." At that moment, Tak Jaehoon suddenly said, "You're all old-timers," leaving Nicole bewildered.

On the 21st, the production team of 'No Back Tak Jaehoon' acknowledged and apologized for the sexual harassment controversy surrounding the episode featuring Tanaka and Ogura Yuna. On the same day the apology was posted, another controversy arose from the video uploaded. Netizens expressed discomfort with Tak Jaehoon's rude remarks towards Nicole, stating, "If Nicole born in 1991 is an 'Ahjumma,' what is Tak Jaehoon born in 1968?" and "He can't read trends. He's just rude and not entertaining anymore," suggesting that he should consider quitting broadcasting.

Lee Hyori, who appeared as a guest on the web variety show 'No Back Tak Jaehoon' in November last year, commented bluntly, "I watched on YouTube where they invited innocent-looking girls who seem unable to speak properly and made fun of them," adding, "I really disliked watching those two. They were just mocking."


-Don't think that just because the other person smiles and says nothing, you can look down on them. Inside, everyone thinks you're a moron.

-If Nicole is an ahjumma, then he's already dust.

-So rude, it's just disrespectful. Even among rude people, he's the worst.

-Why does he like picking on women so much? And especially those much younger than him?

-If he's going to be like this, he should retire.

-Grandpa, why are you like this?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If I say what I want to say, I feel like I'll be sued, so I'll just laughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


-Please retire

-If Nicole is an ajumma, what does that make you, grandpa?

-If Nicole is an ajumma, then you're a living corpse who's been preparing to dieㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Grandpa, just stay at home
