
Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Protest trucks from New Jeans' fans have arrived at HYBE's Headquarters


They said that a total of three trucks will be sent over the course of three days, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Bunnies supports and stands with New Jeans, not HYBE

Bunnies hopes for New Jeans to be with CEO Min Heejin

HYBE should ensure the activities of New Jeans and CEO Min Heejin

Bang Sihyuk-nim, are you having fun? We're really curious, are you having fun?ใ…Ž

HYBE should be conscientious, Bang Sihyuk should be considerate. Please leave ADOR alone.

HYBE must immediately stop the malicious propaganda that harms New Jeans' values

Stop playing dirty tricks and propaganda behind the facade of an independent label and focus on supporting (New Jeans) comeback


-These are so well-written, they sound really catchyใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ 

-If HYBE just let them be, they would have a group that does well in activities and earns money.

-New Jeans, Min Heejin, fighting. Seriously, leave out the cheesy propaganda and support the girls' comeback properly. 

-Is there a possibility for New Jeans to leave HYBE?

-Why not just let Min Heejin work with New Jeans and HYBE just takes the money? Even if Min Heejin doesn't like it, she earning a lot of money anyway, so what's the problem?... Beside, it's impossible for her to take New Jeans away because of the contract anyway.

-he truck slogans are really well chosen!! New Jeans, Min Heejin, fighting!! HYBE's actions are too dirty.

-But is there any promotion for New Jeans' upcoming album?

-Each slogan is so refreshing. Min Heejin, New Jeans, fighting.

-I support New Jeans. Not just for the girls, but also for the future of K-pop

-This is so sad. I'm just a muggle who supports New Jeans and their fansใ… ใ…  Seeing this makes me realize how sincere the fans are.

-Yeah, if they had just left them alone from the beginning, this wouldn't have happened.

-HYBE, please leave New Jeans alone. Don't even do anything, just leave them alone.
