
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Is there really a man who would like someone like me?

 I gained a lot of weight due to the side effects of hormone medication. My height is 163cm, and my weight is 90kg. Even before gaining weight, I already lacked confidence, but after gaining weight, I hit rock bottom. I thought I wouldn't have love or marriage in my life. I already had chronic illnesses, and with the added weight, my health deteriorated further. I'm also financially struggling, relying on support from my parents to get by. With all these challenges, I focused on just working hard to get through life.

But recently, there's a man who has been showing interest in me. He's a regular at the café where I go to buy coffee every morning. We often chat before work during my leisure time, and sometimes we even treat each other to coffee. We became casual friends, and one day, I happened to run into him at a local pub. We ended up having makgeolli together. Since there were a lot of side dishes, he invited me to join him since he couldn't finish them alone. He had a different charm when we were drinking makgeolli together compared to when we were having coffee and chatting. It was then that I learned his age and name for the first time; he's two years older than me.

Since then, we've been exchanging messages, and he often suggests meeting up late at night for drinks. We've had a few drinks together, and we communicate well. We share the same hobbies, such as drawing, and we both enjoy horror movies and anime. It's fascinating how similar our tastes are, and our conversations flow effortlessly. Time flies when we're together.

We've been spending a lot of time together, and he told me something yesterday. He said he wants to receive high-quality chocolates from department stores or specialty shops instead of convenience store chocolates. It feels like he's being upfront about wanting expensive chocolates, even though it's Valentine's Day. I jokingly asked if it wasn't too shameless of him to ask for expensive chocolates directly and laughed, but he explained that my chocolates are just ordinary chocolates that friends give each other, and he wants something with a special meaning. He said if I give him chocolates with a special meaning, he will definitely reciprocate.

Is this a green light? Honestly, I can't believe that there could be a man who likes someone like me, who is overweight, has many health issues, wears shabby clothes, and is full of flaws. He knows about my chronic illnesses and financial difficulties, and he even knows my weight because I let it slip while drunk. Did he say that just because he wants chocolates? I bought the chocolates, but I'm still debating whether I should give them to him. I'm afraid that I'll end up getting hurt if I give them to him for no reason. Is there really a man who would like someone like me? Valentine's Day is only a few hours away, and I'm still unsure about what to do. Please help me.

I'm worried that you won't believe me because I'm too overweight, so I'm providing proof with a scale photo. 

I'm not sure if I should give him this chocolate or if I'll just end up getting hurt.


1. [+139][-1] I don't quite understand why he's asking for expensive chocolate instead of homemade ones.

2. [+123][-0] Please boost your self-esteem ㅜㅜ You seem to be the type of person who's willing to do everything for someone who does bare minimum;;

3. [+113][-8] It feels a bit strange that he asked for expensive chocolate, but try buying it once. If he keeps demanding more, then cut him off.

4. [+90][-1] If you give him this, he might start acting up. Once you give something, he might start asking for more.

5. [+56][-15] There was an obese coworker at my workplace. One day she said she was getting married, and I was like, "Huh?" Turns out, it was an office romance, and she married a perfectly healthy person. When I asked her brother what attracted him to her, he said he found her adorable, like a baby, so he asked her out. It could just be a matter of taste.

6. [+27][-1]  A man who genuinely likes a woman wouldn't blatantly ask for expensive chocolates. He might ask her to make something instead. Even if he's hoping to receive chocolates from her this Valentine's Day, he wouldn't ask her to buy expensive ones at a department store.

7. [+23][-2]  Even if it hurts, just give it to him, so what? And even if it doesn't go well, what's the big deal? Whether you weigh 45kg or 60kg, you'll date, break up, have unrequited love, and live on.

8. [+20][-0] How can you live without getting hurt??? In life, you undergo surgery, take medicine, and live. Everyone has their own preferences, right??? Still, you should try to lose weight. It's not good for your health...