Sunday, August 28, 2022

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How the 'Underage Line' from Wanna One look now that they've become adults

The 'Underage Line' who was born in 1999, 2000, and 2001 were still underage when they debuted back in 2017. Now they have become adults as they turned 24, 23, and 22 years old. 
They look more mature now, but nothing has changed at all since then

Park Jihoon
19 years old --> 24 years old

Park Woojin
19 years old --> 24 years old

Bae Jinyoung
18 years old --> 23 years old

Lee Daehwi
17 years old --> 22 years old

Lai Guan Lin
17 years old --> 22 years old

-Woojin's bulk-up...ㅡ

-Bae Jinyoung is so f*cking handsome...

-They all have grown so much. Daehwi will always be a cutieㅋㅋㅋ

-Daehwi still looks like an underageㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I think Daehwi looks even younger nowㅋㅋㅋ They all have grown so much...

-I didn't watch the show back then. Honestly, I couldn't understand all the hype Bae Jinyoung got back then. But now that he's become an adult, I have to admit that he looks really handsome.

-Bae Jinyoung and Lai Guan Lin are really handsome... Daehwi still looks like a baby even when he gets olderㅠㅠ

-Daehwi still looks exactly the sameㅋㅋㅋ Such a cutie...

-Daehwi's shoulders have gotten a lot broader because he works out...

-Park Jihoon looks manlier now... He's so freaking handsome...

-Why is Daehwi the only one who looks younger now?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's really adorable...

-Bae Jinyoung is really shocking me (in a good way). He looks like the main character from fan-fictions now that he grows out his hair...

-Time sure flies really fastㅠㅠ

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