Saturday, June 4, 2022

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iKON's Goo Junhoe, "We don't have the same influence we did before, our popularity is falling down"


iKON shares their concern of feeling frustrated and anxious but has no idea what's causing it.

Kim Donghyuk explains, "It has been 8 years since our debut. 10 years, including our training days. As singers, we've been at the top. All of us are struggling and anxious, but we have no idea what's causing it."

Goo Junhoe adds, "It has been 8 years since our debut. Frankly speaking, we've had two primes in our career: Once when we debuted and once with Love Scenario. However, we no longer have the same influence we did before. Now, we're not able to raise our popularity anymore. We can't even manage to have the same popularity. Honestly speaking, our popularity is falling down."


-But at least they're in YG, that's why they still could promote as a group until this point...

-But still, they've hit really big with Love Scenario. Not all idols could experience such popularityㅠㅠ

-Almost all idols experience the same thingsㅋㅋㅋ At least they have hit big with some of their songs before...

-It's really sad to hear this, especially since it reminds me of my ex-favorite group... I'm rooting for you~

-Idols' popularity usually falls down as time passes. I think they should try promoting as individuals or widen the variety of their activities.

-This is a common concern for idols who have been in the industry for a long time...

-I have to admit that Love Scenario was a really big hit...

-It has been 8 years since their debut...?? But why do I feel like I haven't seen them have comebacks that much?

-But to think about it, there are not a lot of boy groups who have big hits as big as Love Scenario...

-Have they tried releasing songs...? I feel like they're releasing songs once every three years...

-This is the reality of being idols, it's all unpredictableㅠㅠ

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