
Saturday, January 15, 2022

What are the impulsive things you have ever done when you're on period?


'I was about to change my pads. Somehow, the small ribbon on my underwear looked so annoying so I just ripped it out with my bare handㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ'

'I'm a piano major in college. I was so freaking pissed off so I just played the piano to relieve my feelings. My sister thought it was fascinating so she recorded me. I watched it and I looked like Chopin. My body moved so dazzlingly, I could've gotten a trophy at Concours with that'

'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIf everyone in the comment sections gathered up, they could've crushed the world together'

'I, once, impulsively threw my phone on a marble floor. It broke and it really made me upset that I didn't go to school for 3 days after that'

-I ordered two food at the same time.

-I dyed my hair.

-I purchased an Apple watch just because I was upset.

-I slept for more than 12 hours.

-I made an appointment to get my nose done.

-I don't experience extreme differences before and after my period. I don't even get period cramps.

-I just feel blue and shitty, but I have never done anything impulsive.

-I hung myself and attempted suicide.

-I ordered anything that came up to my mind and ate them all by myself...?

-Resign. I'm not even lying. I couldn't control my feelings and just... resigned from my job...ㅠㅠ

-I cry a lot when I'm on my periodㅠㅠㅠ

-I cried because of my boyfriend's shitty grammar. I beat up my bed a lot that day, I even thought whether I should break up with him or not because of that.

-I get severe headaches every time I'm on my period, I barely have any energy to do anything impulsive. I'd just lay on my bed, hoping the pain would go away soon.

-I just get mad at my boyfriend for no reason.

-I buy things impulsively, thinking that it's okay to purchase them because I'm upset!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
